As CEO of Kundi Development Corporation, I firmly believe that if we can win place in the heart and mind of our clients and gain their confidence as provider of innovative solutions for integrated communities that suit every need and fulfill all dreams the possibilities for the growth of Kundi Development Corporation will be unlimited no matter how challenging the construction environment are. The sprit and the way our members go about their work i.e. with great enthusiasm is well recognized in all walk of life especially in construction community. Kundi Development Corporation provides customers excellent service and devotes full efforts so that our performances exceed our client’s expectations & fully satisfy their needs and requirements. I would like to thank all my team members for their hard work, determination and commitment. Over the years, we have been able to assemble a team of talented and loyal managers, engineers and skilled staff .Our continued success depends on our ability to motivate and retain our wining team and to recruit new employees who share our enthusiasm and are able to become an active member of the team for time to come for the future. I would like to reassure every team member that our strong entrepreneurial spirit has not faded and that there are exciting new opportunities and diverse challenges ahead of us.
Involved in construction and the trading business, our Group has succeeded in making diversity its strength. Our success lies in our diversity, which contributes immensely to the growth of the Group. Each year, a different division sees the most success. If one division has a bad period, there is always another that is doing well. On one hand our diversity, and on the other hand our Group’s entrepreneurial spirit has led to its sustained success over the years. Our entrepreneurial instinct led us to open up a branch in Islamabad a few years ago, although we have been doing business in Islamabad since almost a decade. More recently, we have recently established a joint venture with some major Construction Company. Our Group will assist them with getting involved in corporate Construction, which is where we feel we can add significant value while applying our specific expertise. All these ideas are aimed at maintaining our diversity and increasing our productivity. Our Group has always operated with the aim of enabling the country to grow economically by providing essential services to the country’s industries
This firm was registered as a limited company by the name of M/s Kundi Development Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd 16-04-2002 with work and services Department. Kundi Development Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd is a Construction Equipment Company under the laws of Pakistan. We are the general constructor to deal with construction of all the minor and major buildings, to undertake mega projects, development of colonies and housing society’s projects.